Aged 6-11, Articles for parents, Aged 12 and above

How Kumon skills help at secondary school

18 August 2023

While there are several practical things you can do to prepare your child for going to secondary school, such as uniform shopping and practising their new school route, it is just as important to be prepared academically too.

Starting their exciting new academic phase is an important step in their ongoing independence.

Here are some of the ways that Kumon Study has already been helping your child to prepare for secondary school:

1. Encouraging independent study
By setting a clear study goal with your child and understanding what needs to be achieved, your child is already better equipped to take ownership of their own learning. The Kumon worksheets allow a student to work things out for themselves and get to the answer independently without needing each step explained to them. This experience will stand them in good stead as the expectations of secondary school work become greater.
2. Academic confidence  
Going into a brand-new school with brand new classmates and peers can be daunting but being able to embark on the journey in your best academic state is key. Having regular, set study times each day allow your child the chance to continue to think and grow in the following months so be sure to keep up with regular Kumon practice at home.
3. Homework routines
Your child will already be used to thinking about and completing their Kumon worksheets at home so incorporating a homework routine will be nothing new for them. You can’t make them do their homework, but encourage them to feel organised so that they know when work needs to be handed in and allow them the independence to complete it in good time. And remind them to actually hand it in!

4. Taking ownership of their study
Their new school may have a library or facilities to help them access further resources. Studying may begin to incorporate broader reading, research or practice than is offered within the classroom. Being able to think deeply without the supervision of a teacher is a skill that Kumon kids are encouraged to do from the start.

5. Study skills
Your child has been perfecting their concentration, fluency, focus and thinking at the Kumon centre and at home, and these skills will help them fly through their adjustment to the expanded school subjects and curriculums.

We wish all our students starting new schools later this year all the very best of luck!